Whatcha name?
Today we have some finds from 4minute's 130516 MCountdown performance.
We had so many 4minute finds lately and more are on their way :D
Jiyoon wore the Filigree Print Skinny Jeans from Forever21 (oh, how I love forever21 finds...so affordable), and you can buy them here.
Along with the pants, Jiyoon is wearing this custom made t-shirt by the Thai brand Thailor.
Thank you Armynony for the Thailor tips.

Sohyun wore the Multi-Colored-Plaid-TEE from...a brand that you won't ever guess... Stylenanda haha, and you can buy it here
She also wore the TRI necklace and the Flying earring also from Thailorbrand.
The next finds are also custom-made by Thailor.
Hyuna is wearing the 'Skyler' tank top.
Gayoon is wearing the 'Eagle' Crop sweater.
Jihyun is wearing the 'Mickey' crop tank.
Her skirt is from Human Potential (but I guess you already knew that) :D