Hot or Not: Instyle + 'We Got Married' Edition

Let's talk about famous celebrity couples today. And by 'couples', I mean fake-married persons of opposite sexes. Instyle Marriage's July Issue featured the couples of 'We Got Married'. I'm going to talk about two of them: the Jinwoon-JunHee couple and the Taemin-NaEun couple. What do they have in common? Each of the male members are a part of a Kpop idol group. Jinwoon is from 2am, and Taemin is from, well, you probably know this already, but, SHINee.

2am's Jinwoon & Go JunHee

2AM Jin Woon and Go Joon Hee - InStyle Weddings MagazineI could take of leave this picture. It seems like a wedding gone wrong. JunHee is the bride, who spilled somthing on the top of her (very expensive) wedding dress, aaand so covered it with a t-shirt; Jinwoon is the best man, who has always been in love with the bride, and when the groom runs off, he is there to console her. Yeah...maybe my imagination has gone too far. Overall, this picture is messy and clichéd. I would've liked a traditional marriage pic a bit better. I mean, really, what says marriage like a masculine leather sofa and wife sitting on the hard floor? Loving husband you are, Jinwoon.

2AM Jin Woon and Go Joon Hee - InStyle Weddings Magazine
One word for you: honeymoon. This picture is about being comfortable with your partner. While the tattoos are cute --Jinwoon's says, 'your shadow', and JunHee's says, 'love' -- they are a bit childish, and we all know what I think about poorly done ink. Still, I can imagine them getting tattoos done together during their honeymoon. The flowers in Jinwoon's pants remind me of somewhere tropical. And it seems that with JunHee's salmon/pink dress, that she is the flower of his life. Aw. Not to mention, the colors the stylist picked go with their hair. Very nice. The picture is not my favorite, but it's not terrible, 7/10.

2AM Jin Woon and Go Joon Hee - InStyle Weddings MagazineThe next picture is my favorite from all the shots in the magazine.  Look at you, you adorable creatures. Blowing bubble-gum together is such a PG activity, but when combined with their joint sassy leg poses, it reads, 'stay back, we're a force to be reckoned with'. The neutral/color clash is very ying-yang, and again, the stylists made a conscience effort to unite JunHee's warmth with Jinwoon's cooler image (I mean from the blue hair to his manliness, etc. NOT that he is a cold person). They
look ready for a party on each other's arm, or maybe just a newlyweds' date-night-in.

SHINee's Taemin & A Pink's Na Eun

Note: I am just using the print pictures, but according to a reader, in the actual WGM episode, not all the poses were like the following. Also, I do like Taemin, promise >.<!

SHINee Tae Min and A Pink Na Eun - InStyle Weddings Magazine
For these guys, I can't even break it down picture by picture. There is too much I want to say about the shoot as a whole. First of all, they don't even look like a married couple. The white dress Na Eun wore is no where near a wedding dress, unless the wedding was taking place on a beach, or, you know, at city hall. They look more like people on a first, awkward, date. The Jinwoon-JunHee set of pictures had them so clearly paired off, while this set doesn't. The clothing and poses are ever so slightly disjointed. In the sitting shoot of Jinwoon and JunHee, Jinwoon has his arm protectively around JunHee. Taemin, on the other hand, shies away from his wife. And what sort of guy doesn't wear a suit to a wedding?! Are you kidding me? 

SHINee Tae Min and A Pink Na Eun - InStyle Weddings Magazine
That's aesthetics, but if we take a deeper look at what's happening in these pictures, we see that Taemin is a misogynist. Seriously, why is Na Eun always in a subservient position? Lying on the ground, sitting, blocked by TaeMAN, hidden behind TaeMAN. This is very unlike the Jinwoon-JunHee shoot as 2/3 of their pictures, they posed the same way. I think we need to give Na Eun some sass lessons, because right now, she looks like an innocent deer caught by an almost-as-innocent rabbit's hole. 

The stylists should have done a better job incorporating couple clothing, or at least something that doesn't make them both seem as if they are very young (even though they are). I mean, they are supposed to be married, for Pete's sake, not middle school girlfriend/boyfriend. 

SHINee Tae Min and A Pink Na Eun - InStyle Weddings Magazine
As to the idols, where is the emotion? Where is the happiness? High fashion can be fun. Just look at some of CL's shoots. At least Taemen looks a little more mature. He has very nice hair, and black-out is pretty sexy. Just one note, Are you wearing your pajamas in the woods, Taemin? Because I don't walk around in a house coat with cloads on it when I'm on a date, especially if my partner looked like Na Eun. The girl wear a skirt in the middle of the woods for you,  not practical, but romantic, and you couldn't even change out of your PJ's? Humph.

Maybe it's just I that had an issue with the awkward couple. Sigh.

Which photo was you favorite? Do you agree that Taemin needs to grow a pair and not shy away from his wife?


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